If you have any questions, please contact
We are so happy to have you join our school community. The TCE PTA has put together this information regarding communication, school contacts, and other ins and outs about our wonderful school. We hope new families find this information helpful. We want to ensure new families feel welcomed and engaged with our school community and will do our best to make that happen!
Turner Creek website https://www.wcpss.net/turnercreekes This is the main webpage for TCE. Most, if not all, relevant information can be accessed through this page, including contact information, school calendar and links to WCPSS transportation, nutritional services, etc. Turner Creek Twitter page https://twitter.com/turnercreekes?lang=en Follow Turner Creek (@TurnerCreekES) on Twitter to see what our students and staff are doing on and off campus. The TCE Twitter feed can also be accessed on the TCE main website by scrolling down to the bottom. Newsletter Archive https://www.tce-pta.org/newsletters.html The Friday Newsletter is our weekly school newsletter. It will be emailed to all TCE families most every Friday. Recent editions are also posted to the main TCE website. **We strongly encourage you to read this newsletter every week as it will contain important information for all families.** TCE PTA Webpage http://www.tce-pta.org/ Typical school-wide community events include Kindergarten Tissue Tea, Scholastic Book Fair, Read-a-thon, Chorus Concerts, Talent Show, Fall Festival, Field Day, and many more! TCE PTA Facebook https://www.facebook.com/turnercreekpta The TCE PTA Facebook page that is updated regularly with relevant school news and events. Volunteering TCE has a very active PTA and welcomes any and all families who would like to volunteer. More information on volunteering opportunities can be found on the PTA website or by contacting our Volunteer Chair. PTA Membership We strongly encourage interested families to join the TCE PTA. Membership dues go towards funding enrichment programs at Turner Creek. More information and a membership signup form can be found on the PTA website (http://www.tce-pta.org/membership.html). Transportation
Bus Riders Families interested in neighborhood bus service through WCPSS must fill out a Transportation Service request form. This form should have been provided to you when registering at TCE, but if you still need to request bus service, the registration form can be found on the WCPSS Transportation website (https://www.wcpss.net/transportation). Here Comes the Bus WCPSS Transportation provides families of students who ride a school bus to school with a free bus tracking system. This app allows you to see where the bus is and how close it is to your stop. Get started with Here Comes the Bus at https://herecomesthebus.com/parents/get-started/. You will need the district code (67500) and your student’s ID number to sign up. For your smartphone or tablet, download the Here Comes the Bus app from the App Store or Google Play. Additional information on this app can be found on the Transportation website. Bus Routes TCE bus route information can be accessed at https://www.wcpss.net/Page/5504 or by clicking on the Transportation icon on the main TCE website. Carpool All students choosing carpool as their method of transportation to and from school must sign up for a carpool tag number. Signup usually occurs during the beginning of every school year at the Meet the Teacher event. If you need to make any changes to your student’s transportation information, please contact the TCE main office for assistance. School T-shirts and other supplies
TCE spirit wear is available for purchase online through the TCE PTA Spirit Wear shop. Often, additional grade-specific school supplies (magazine subscription, agenda, recorder, etc.) are required for students and may also be purchased through the PTA online store. Other Resources for Students and Families
A document containing information on important resources for students and families regarding social/emotional support, food support, childcare, financial support and several other topics can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RG0FPqzhcVw727r596NTvFgvyplgqGvA/view?pli=1 TCE has two school counselors, Ms. Bryce and Ms. Clark. More information, including their contact information can be found on their website. |